Holosun EPS Carry Review
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I Tested & Reviewed the Holosun EPS Carry

This is my Holosun EPS Carry review. Pistol optics are here to stay and are becoming more popular. Companies are racing to make the best overall pistol red dot designed for compact concealed carry type pistols. This is one of the fastest-growing trends in the firearms community. The EPS and EPS Carry were two of…

Best AK-47 Trigger

7 Best AK-47 Triggers (Drop-In, Single Stage, & Binary)

If you want to upgrade your AK platform, adding one of the best AK-47 Triggers is a great place to start. A new trigger will give your firearm a completely different feel, making the weapon more user-friendly and effective. There are many options to choose from, so I narrowed it down to the best ones…