Founder, Joseph Kocik

Hi, I’m Joe, and I had the brilliant idea to start a website while I was deployed overseas.
I wanted to share my knowledge with gun owner enthusiasts and help new shooters learn.
Prior to First World Crusader, I often received questions from friends and family about guns because I was deemed the “Gun Guy.”
I figured the best way to help as many people as possible was to start a website. Firearms became a strong interest of mine.
I originally started out by creating a YouTube channel in 2016. I became familiar and acquired an online presence since I posted reviews of my guns and gear.
Naturally, my opinions and recommendations came out, and I knew I was on the path to giving more solid feedback.
While the task itself was going well, I became increasingly frustrated with the censorship on that platform.
Due to shadow banning, I decided to start First World Crusader while I was deployed in the Middle East during 2018.
I am now proud to say, the website has grown and I could not be more proud of it.
For more on me personally: I have worked at gun stores most of my life and have trained with a multitude of weapons in the U.S. Army.
My military background has allowed me to gain an assortment of hands-on knowledge with all types of equipment and accessories.
I currently possess a Federal Firearms License and in total, have 17 years of professional experience.
As stated before, I am a strong advocate of Second Amendment Rights, and remain strongly rooted in my beliefs.